Friday, May 17, 2013

Ivy Gourd Stir Fry ( Kovakka)

Being a resident of Hyderabad it would be a shame if I didn’t try out some of the Andhra specialities. I had a taste of this next dish from one of my friend’s (Divya) tiffin box. Not only is this dish different from the regular, but cooking this one is quite easy too. While my mom used to cook this dish with grated coconut, the Andhra version’s key ingredient happens to be peanut which helps in adding the crunchiness to the ivy gourd (tindora).


1/4 kg Tindoora (Kovakka)
1 tsp. mustard seeds
1 sprig curry leaves
smash of turmeric powder
Salt to taste
1 ½ tbsp.  Veg oil
1 1/2 tbsp peanuts plus 1 ½ tbsp. for garnishing
1 tsp. oil
3/4 tsp. Jeera( cumin seeds)
2 dry red chillies

Roast the peanuts in a pan without any oil until it turns golden brown.  Keep it aside.
 Heat a Pan with 1 tsp. oil and add cumin seeds and sauté till it turns brown. Add the red chillis and stir for a while. Turn off heat and let it cool. 

(Option 1- Either you can grind this mixture with the 1 ½ tbsp. roasted peanuts or
Option 2- You can add 1 ½ tbsp.roasted peanuts and cumin chilli mixture at the end once the tindora is cooked. Here you can use dry red chilli flakes- 3 tbsp.  If you like crunchiness in this dish, go ahead with this option).

(I opted for option-1).

In a grinder, add 1 ½ tbsp. peanuts and this cumin chilli mixture and grind them nicely.

 Add 1 ½ tbsp. oil in a pan and add the mustard seeds, let them splutter. Add the curry leaves and the sliced tindora and stir for a while. Add salt and turmeric powder and sauté for 5 minute . Now reduce the flame; cover and cook for 15 minutes till they are done. (Keep checking every 5 minutes in between).

 Add the grinded mixture and saute for a while. Cook for 3- 4 minutes with lid open. Turn off the heat and garnish with roasted peanuts while serving.
AAhhh… this dish goes well with plain rice and yogurt!!!!!

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