Saturday, May 25, 2013

Chow Mein Night

Being a regular Chinese buff, trying out varied noodle recipes happens to be one of my hobbies (moreover it’s quite simple too). This next dish just happens to be a result of this hobby. It’s been a long time since I cooked noodles. This chow Mein dish authentically is made with egg noodles, however I tried out this with buckwheat (soba) noodles. While in my version I have gone for shredded chicken strips, you can also substitute this with any of your favourite veggies, scrambled eggs or sausages. Now while the use of sesame oil can be avoided, if you want to have that authentic Chinese touch do go for that tablespoon & voila – you get that sweet nutty flavour. And if you like your dish to be all garnished then a little sprinkle of sesame seeds should do the trick.


  •       250 gms- buckwheat noodles/ Chinese egg noodles
  •      2 tbsp. Veg oil
  • 280 gms chicken boneless and shredded
  •     3 garlic cloves finely chopped
  •    1 red bell pepper( capsicum) cubed/sliced
  •      1 green bell pepper (capsicum) cubed/sliced
  •       100 gms mushroom chopped/sliced
  •     ½ cup spring onions
  •      ½ cup cabbage chopped
  •    3 tsp. soy sauce
  •     1 tsp. hoisin sauce
  •      2 tbsp. red chilli flakes( more or less according to youe spice level)
  •       2 tsp. pepper powder(optional)
  •       1 tbsp. sesame oil

Place the noodles in a large bowl or dish and break them slightly. Pour enough boiling water over the noodles to cover and set aside. Drain them once they are done. (Prepare the noodles according to the directions given on the packet).

Heat oil in a bottom pan. Add chicken and garlic and cook till the chicken is cooked for about 5- 8 minutes. Add the chilli flakes and sauté for a while.

Add the mushroom, bell peppers, cabbage and spring onions sauté for 5 minutes. Add soya sauce and hoisin sauce and mix completely.

Add the drained noodles and toss until thoroughly combined.

Drizzle sesame oil and toss again. If needed you can add little more chilli flakes/pepper powder at this stage.

Remove from heat; transfer it to a serving dish. Add some chopped spring onions on top and enjoyyy!!

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