Sunday, August 4, 2013

No-bake Nutella Cheesecake

I have had this chocolate cheesecake recipe for a while however ended up trying it out very recently. Now usually I would go with the regular cheesecake variant however the temptation for chocolate was one of the reasons why I went for this. Now Nutella is something that I indulge in once in a while (in fact the last time I indulged, the jar had to be pried away from my clenched fists).  To get the best out of this dessert, make it one day in ahead.

  • 1 ½  cups of Arrowroot biscuits crushed
  •  ½ cup of Granulated Sugar
  • 85 gms unsalted butter, softened + 1 tsp.
  • 3 tbsp. Nutella or semisweet chocolate
  • 2 8oz Cream Cheese, softened at room temperature
  • 1 cup of Confectioner Sugar + 2 tbsp.
  • 1 ½ cups of Nutella
  • ½ tsp. of Vanilla Extract
  • ¼ cup of Heavy Cream + ¼- ½ cup
  • 4 oz of Semisweet Chocolate at room temperature

For the crust: Add biscuits, sugar, butter and chocolate/nutella into your grinding bowl and grind until everything is crushed and holds together. Press the mixture in the bottom and one inch up the sides of a 9” spring form pan, set it in the fridge while we prepare the filling.

For the filling: With a hand mixer, beat cream cheese and then the nutella in a bowl. Mix completely. Add sugar, vanilla essence and cream. Mix for about 5 minutes until you get a smooth batter. (yummmmm).
Pour the batter into the crust. Cover with an aluminium foil and set in the refrigerator overnight.

For the Topping: Either you can sprinkle some confectioners’ sugar or you can have a ganache topping.

In a pan, add cream and bring to boil. Add the cream to the chocolate and mix completely until the chocolate had melted. Add in the butter. Pour over the filling and let set for another one hour or more.
For serving, carefully remove the pan and sprinkle some confectioners’ sugar and some chocolate shavings or any one of them. Wipe your knife each time you cut out each slice.

Dig in guys!!!!!!

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